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Google has made great strides in simplifying the process of running ad campaigns. A PPC or pay-per-click campaign, for instance, is one of the quickest ways to drive massive traffic and leads. But Google Ads management is a complex and highly technical field. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are also many pitfalls. So if your campaign is not working well, make sure you are not making any PPC mistakes.

PPC Mistake 1: Running a Campaign Without Goals


Some Google Ads specialists focus too much on generating traffic while neglecting lead quality and conversion rates. Also, the PPC campaign may not align with other digital and traditional marketing goals.


Ensure each PPC campaign is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) to achieve the desired goal. Throughout the campaign, analyze the data and tweak relevant parameters to reach or exceed lead generation and conversion objectives.

PPC Mistake 2: Poorly Designed Website and Slow Site Speed


Some companies may not place much importance on updating a website. Unfortunately, that may give a negative impression and turn away potential customers. Site loading speed is also another issue. Each second added to the loading time correlates to higher bounce rates, lower leads and conversions.


Update the website using the latest web development innovations and design trends. Ensure that it highlights the value propositions and projects the brand as trustworthy and reliable.

PPC Mistake 3: Not Using a High-Quality Landing Page


Some companies do not have specific landing pages, so they send users to the homepage or a product or service page. This practice, however, fails to narrow the sales funnel. Even worse are the higher rates of leakage between audience acquisition and conversions.


Create a dedicated landing page tailored for the specific customer segment or need. Use the services of professional copywriters who are proficient in creating persuasive copy.

PPC Mistake 4: Not Testing and Trackings Metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)


The lack of data or limited knowledge prevents the PPC management team from optimizing their Google Ads campaigns. Consequently, the results are poor or tolerable but far from their full potential.


Knowledge of SEO and PPC plus advanced tools to track analytics are necessary to maximize the Google Ads budget. Testing is a staple in most reputable pay-per-click management services because it effectively boosts performance. This method, of course, is only possible if there are measures of the KPIs.

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