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The term “software development” encompasses all activities related to the design, construction, release, and upkeep of software.

Many sorts of software development projects exist, some of which have been around for a while and others of which are just being started in the age of cutting-edge technology (such as wearables or the cloud). Changes occur in even the most ingrained methods of software development as new ones are created or existing ones are improved; this includes frameworks, programming languages, software development tools, and procedures.

Building Applications for the Web

Web applications (web apps) are any applications that can be accessed using a web browser on a mobile device, computer, or tablet. Only a web browser and Internet access are needed to use a web app; no downloading or updating is required. A web application, in contrast to a simple website, is interactive and adapts its appearance in response to the user’s actions.

A mobile app’s design includes both a front end and a back end (also written as frontend and backend or front-end and back-end), with each layer requiring its own unique kind of software engineering.

Front-End Development

Everything that the user sees when they launch the web app in their browser is housed in the front end (client-side). The front end is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is supported by frameworks that supply common building blocks.

Back-End Development

Everything that is hosted on the server is considered to be part of the back-end (server-side), which is also known as the guts or framework of a web application. Python, PHP, Swift, Objective-C, JavaScript, Ruby, Kotlin, C#, C++, GO, and Dart are just some of the server-side languages that make up the backend alongside the database, web server, operating system, framework, and the rest.

There are two sub-fields of back-end development that extend beyond coding:

Database Development

The creation of a database, or a repository for information in electronic form, such as the code for your web app or the information you’ve collected. A database developer needs to be familiar with MySQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and Redis to be effective in their work.

API Development

APIs (Application Programming Interface) are pieces of software that facilitate communication between programmes; they typically establish a two-way link between web services and web servers to facilitate the exchange, interpretation, and presentation of data. An API developer uses the native programming languages of the target system to build an interface between it and another system (how it operates, what data it has access to).

When used properly, APIs can facilitate growth and innovation by facilitating access to and interoperability between systems for the benefit of both an organization’s internal operations and its customers.

2. Mobile Application Development

Mobile application development (or simply mobile app development) refers to the process of making apps for mobile devices. Although many apps now offer offline functionality, most mobile apps require an Internet connection to access external resources (for example, Instagram needs a connection to load new material) (e.g. many games can be played offline).

With so many different mobile operating systems and devices on the market, developers must decide whether to optimise their app for a specific platform (like iOS or Android) or to make it cross-platform compatible. The following are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy:

Native App Development

A “native” mobile app is one that was developed from the ground up for a particular mobile operating system, be it iOS, Android, Windows, Symbian, or something even more niche. Native app development makes use of platform-specific languages, tools, and frameworks, such as Objective-C and Swift for iOS and Java and Kotlin for Android.

Typically, a user’s expectations for their device’s performance and visual presentation can be met and exceeded by a native app since it takes advantage of the platform’s unique features. However, if an app needs to support multiple platforms, the cost of native development may skyrocket due to the necessity of hiring separate teams to build for each. As users become accustomed to multi-channel / omnichannel experiences, this could eventually lead to inconsistencies in the services provided by various apps.

Cross-platform Development

With cross-platform development, you may create an app for multiple platforms and platforms’ end users at once. Although the development time and cost of cross-platform apps are reduced, these apps may not be able to access all device APIs or fulfil the UI requirements of all devices. We anticipate some delays in performance.

With their ability to function seamlessly across devices and platforms, cross-platform apps are well positioned to satisfy the growing need for multi-channel / omnichannel experiences among today’s consumers.

Flutter, React Native, and Xamarin are three popular frameworks for making mobile apps that run on multiple platforms.

3. Data Science

The phrase “data science” is used to describe the practise of applying scientific methods to both structured and unstructured data in order to draw conclusions about the world. Data scientists integrate their knowledge of computers with other disciplines, such as mathematics and commerce, and frequently employ AI and ML. One of the most rapidly expanding sectors of the software industry, data science is projected to increase at a rate of 28% per year over the next few years.


The term “artificial intelligence” (AI) is used to describe any computer programme with human-level cognitive abilities. With applications in areas as diverse as manufacturing (robots), transportation (cars), healthcare (robots), social media (bots), consumer electronics (smartphones), and beyond, the artificial intelligence market is currently valued at over $62.35 billion and rising at a CAGR of 40.2%. The iRobot vacuum, Tesla’s autonomous driving features, web searches, and even autocorrect on your smartphone are all good examples.

Machine Learning

In the field of artificial intelligence known as machine learning, the goal is the gradual, incremental, and data-driven enhancement of computer algorithms. The discipline of machine learning relies heavily on mathematics.

Supervised Learning

Predictive models often rely on supervised learning, where the relationships between inputs and targets are specified in advance. Using a learning algorithm and this data for training, one can make predictions about future results based on unknown inputs. Classification and regression are two such examples.

4. Video Game Development

Game engines, which provide a framework for making video games, have made game creation accessible to smaller teams for the first time.


Amazon’s Lumberyard is a free, cross-platform game engine that is built on CryEngine and was released in beta version in March of this year. Game development on Lumberyard is supported on Windows, PS4, Xbox One, and, to a lesser extent, iOS and Android. Lumberyard was developed using C++ and the Lua scripting language.

Since it was created by the same company that makes Amazon’s Web Services, Lumberyard is compatible with them (AWS).


Epic Games’ Unreal Engine was originally implemented in their 1998 game of the same name. Since then, Unreal has expanded its product line to include not only first-person shooter games but also a wide range of other 3D titles, tailored especially for PC and platform gamers. Unreal is a free C++ game engine that can be downloaded and used commercially under a licencing system. Games like Fortnite, made with Unreal, have become wildly successful.


Unity, developed by Unity Technologies in 2004, is a full-featured game engine that works with 2D, 3D, and VR (virtual reality) games on Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, consoles, and web browsers. Many well-known games, like Pokemon Go and Call of Duty, have been developed using the C++ and C#-based Unity game engine.

5. Wearables Software Development

Any device that combines hardware and software that is intended to be worn on the body is considered a wearable device. The wristwatch, hat, jewellery, shoe, and fabric accessory subsectors of the wearables market are all benefiting from the present expansion of this industry, which is rising at a CAGR of 22.5%. Common examples include:


Wrist-worn electronics have progressed past simple fitness trackers and mobile wallets. Modern smartwatches provide features for communicating with others, monitoring one’s health, increasing one’s efficiency, and even playing games (Tiny Armies being one such example). Wearable development is currently native only. Swift is used in Apple watch development, while Web apps, Native C, and Tizen.NET are used for the Samsung Galaxy and Fitbit Sense, respectively (JavaScript).


From simple Bluetooth audio connections to built-in cameras and even augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) integration like Google Glass and Oculus Quest, smart glasses offer a wide range of user experiences. The pace of growth varies considerably depending on the complexity of the device in question.

6. Cloud Computing

For cloud computing, rather of keeping data on a user’s local machine, it is transferred to remote servers for processing and storage (backend services). Developing cloud-based software entails building services for storing data in the cloud, such Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft OneDrive, iDrive, and DropBox. In these cases, renting server space is done on a per-server or per-bit basis, respectively.

Cloud computing developers should be fluent in Java, JS (NodeJS), Python, Erlang, and Go (among others).

Serverless Computing

With serverless computing, you only pay for the resources you use, and you never have to commit to a minimum monthly or annual budget for bandwidth or the number of services you need. A variety of providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and others, are capitalising on this rising demand.

7. Desktop Software Development

The term “desktop software development” refers to the process of creating applications that may be downloaded and executed on a personal computer’s hard drive, regardless of whether or not the device is connected to the Internet. Desktop software is still vital despite the rise of mobile and online apps.

Windows Development

C# is a necessary skill for creating Windows system software, apps, and frameworks.

macOS Development

Swift (Apple), Python, and Java are the three most popular languages for creating apps for macOS and iOS. Swift debuted in 2014 and quickly took the place of Objective C.

Linux Development

Since Linux only has a 1.74-2.18% share of the desktop OS market, it is not typically developed for when market share is a priority. Since Android was built on the open source Linux kernel, its success has helped propel the operating system’s desktop market share. Linux may be developed with the help of most programming languages.

8. Cloud Computing

For cloud computing, rather of keeping data on a user’s local machine, it is transferred to remote servers for processing and storage (backend services). Developing cloud-based software entails building services for storing data in the cloud, such Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft OneDrive, iDrive, and DropBox. In these cases, renting server space is done on a per-server or per-bit basis, respectively.

Cloud computing developers should be fluent in Java, JS (NodeJS), Python, Erlang, and Go (among others).

Serverless Computing

With serverless computing, you only pay for the resources you use, and you never have to commit to a minimum monthly or annual budget for bandwidth or the number of services you need. A variety of providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and others, are capitalising on this rising demand.

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